• Granular Activated Carbon


    Water Tech supplies a variety of Granular Activated Carbon (GAC, PAC) filter media to remove organic compounds, color, and / or extract free chlorine from water for reverse osmosis (RO), nano filtration (NF), manufacturing processes, discharge, and other applications.

    Granular Activated Carbon remove impurities through adsorption and contact time. Free chlorine removal is the result of residence time in contact with the carbon, rather than filter surface loading, with standard design of typically 2 to 6 gpm / ft3 of carbon bed. Chloramines are significantly harder to remove than chlorine, and require an extended period of contact with the activated carbon, referred to as empty bed contact time (EBCT).

    Our Activated Carbon Media Types Include:

    • Bituminous: Coal based granular media.
    • Coconut Shell: Superior hardness; high activity level; trihalomethane removal; long life.
    • Acid washed: Increased adsorptive capacity, low pH applications.
    • Catalytic: Specialized to remove hydrogen sulfide gas, iron, and chloramines.


    Contaminants Removed by Our Granular Activated Carbon Include:

    • Chlorine
    • Color
    • Organic Substances and Chemicals
    • Fertilizers
    • TCE (Trichloroethylene)
    • EDB (Ethylene dibromide)
    • THM (Trihalomethanes)
    • Sediment
    • Chemical Odor
    • Pesticides
    • Detergents
    • Chloramines
    • Others


    Water Tech carbon filter tanks and systems are also available in all sizes.

    Please refer to our technical datasheets, or contact us for additional information.

    Technical Datasheet

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  • Micro Z™ Zeolite Filter Media


    High performance granular filter media that outperforms conventional multimedia due to its unique zeolite structure, 2.8 x the load capacity of sand. Micro Z™ media is capable of handle higher service flow rate and increased load capacity. 1 cu.ft., 55lbs. Per bag, 40 bags per pallet

    MICRO Z Features and Benefits:

    • Higher solids loading capacity
    • Removes finer particles
    • Reduced backwash frequency
    • Reduces pressure drop
    • Provides higher flow rates
    • Light weight
    • Reduces shipping costs
    • Easy to handle

    MICRO Z vs. Conventional Filter Media:

    MediaNominal Micron RatingLoading Capacity
    Sand 20 1.0X
    Sand & Anthracite 15 1.4X
    Multimedia 12 1.06X
    Micro Z 5 2.8X


    Water Tech Micro Z filter tanks and systems are also available in all sizes.

    Please refer to our technical datasheets, or contact us for additional information.

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  • Sand, Gravel, Anthracite & Garnet

    Commercial Activated Carbon Filters Watts1016

    Reliable Suspended Solids (TSS) and Turbidity Removal

    Water Tech high quality anthracite, sand, garnet, and gravel filter multi-media, and engineered filter systems provide reliable removal of suspended solids and turbidity in water treatment applications.

    Multimedia water filters utilize anthracite, sand, gravel, and garnet with a gravel under bed, chosen for their distinct density and size differences. Anthracite - the lightest, most course media at the top, sand in the middle, and garnet - the heaviest, finest media at the bottom.

    This filtration layering allows the largest contaminants to be trapped in the top filter layer, with smaller particulates sifting farther down into the lower layers, providing more efficient turbidity removal and longer run times between backwash cycles. A sand-only filter filters particles to about 20-25 microns in size, and a multi-media filter to about 10-20 microns.

    Water Tech coagulants can also be applied upstream of a filter to improve removal of very fine particles through “direct filtration” or "agglomeration".

    Water Tech also supplies pre-engineered multi-media filter tanks and systems in all sizes.

    Please refer to our technical datasheets, or contact us for additional information.

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  • Filox Iron, (Fe), Manganese (Mn), H2S Odor Removal Media


    The Troublesome Trio !

    High performance media for iron, hydrogen sulfide, and manganese removal. No oxidizing chemicals needed for regeneration. Filox™ out performs traditional media such as Birm® and Greensand. Highest flow rate of any standard iron removal media, 6 gpm/cu.ft service flow; 12-15 gpm/sq.ft backwash rate.

    Filox Features and Benefits Include:

    • Superior high efficiency media for filtration and removal capabilities.
    • No oxidizing chemicals typically needed for regeneration (Request ORP test requirements).
    • High efficiency with 80% manganese dioxide for enhanced performance and capacity.
    • Effective, from 6.5 pH to 9.0 pH.
    • Highest flow rate of any iron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide removal media.
    • 6 gpm / cu.ft service flow.
    • Filox systems available with pre-programmed regeneration cycles to optimize water treatment.


    Water Tech also supplies pre-engineered Filox filter tanks and systems in all sizes.

    Please refer to our technical datasheets, or contact us for additional information.

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  • Calcite Media pH Neutralizer

    Economical Distribution System Corrosion Control

    Water Tech Calcite is a naturally occurring, white marble calcium carbonate media used to neutralize acidic or low pH water such as reverse osmosis (RO) permeate, increase pH and reduce corrosion. One advantage of Calcite is that when properly applied, it corrects pH only enough to reach a non-corrosive equilibrium. It does not overcorrect under normal conditions. Upon contact with Calcite, acidic waters slowly dissolve the calcium carbonate to raise the pH which reduces distribution system corrosion and the potential leaching of copper, lead and other metals found in plumbing systems.

    General Operating Conditions:

    • Gravel support bed recommended
    • Water pH range: 5.0-7.0
    • Bed depth: 24-30 in.
    • Freeboard: 50% of bed depth (min.)
    • Backwash rate: 8-12 gpm/sq. ft.
    • Service flow rate: 3-6 gpm/sq. ft.


    Water Tech also supplies pre-engineered calcite filter tanks and systems in all sizes.

    Please contact us for additional information.

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  • Ion Exchange (IX) Resins

    dow logo

    Dow Dowex, Amberlite, Purolite, Alamo, and Other Resins

    Ion exchange (IX) is the exchange of ions between a solid substance called a resin, and an aqueous solution such as potable, boiler feed, or industrial process water, to control water purity and pH by removing undesirable ions and replacing them with acceptable ones.

    Cation exchange resins exchange and remove positive ions such as calcium (Ca+2) and Magnesium (Mg+2) hardness, Fe+2, and H+1. Anion exchange resins exchange and remove negative ions such as alkalinity, Cl-1, SO4-2, and OH-1.

    Our world-class Dow Dowex, Amberlite, Purolite, Alamo, and other ion exchange resins serve applications as diverse as industrial water softening and demineralization, pharmaceuticals, sweetener purification, mining and more. Our ion exchange resins come in a variety of chemical compositions, polymer structures, and particle sizes to meet current and developing industry needs and requirements.

    Applications Include:

    • Buildings & Institutions
    • Food & Beverage
    • Mining & Hydrometallurgy
    • Municipal
    • Oil & Gas
    • Power Generation
    • Industrial Water Treatment
    • Residential
    • Microelectronics
    • Healthcare
    • Chemical & Petrochemical


    Water Tech also supplies pre-engineered ion exchange and softener systems in all sizes.

    Please refer to our technical datasheets, or contact us for additional information.

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To learn more about Water Tech products and services or
to obtain specific information, please contact Customer Service

Serving the Caribbean Basin, including Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Costa Rica, Curaçao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Florida, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guayana, Grenada, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, St. Croix, St. Maarten, St. Martin, St. Thomas, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, and US Virgin Islands.